Since 08.05.2022, updated hourly
Nautical miles flown
Trips Tracked
Airborne hours
One-time links
Watch the fleet on different kind of maps like satelite or aviation type with location update every 10sec.
Go back and see past trips with information for the route like altitude and speed on each point.
Select an airborne aircraft and choose any location on the map to get the ETA (estimate time of arrival)
Create one-time links for a selected period of time for one aircraft and send it to your passengers or associates. He will have the ETA of the aircraft for his location.
When the aircraft departs or arrives to a specified location you will be immediately notified with push notifications.
For Greece, Airports and all licensed heliports are already in the system. If there is no specified location then the closest village or town will be referred.
Custom locations serving the needs of each individual company can be added upon request.