Radio Recordings

Bad attitude from the controller of Athinai TMA Information Ναι, με καλέσατε δύο ή τρεις φορές, δεν θυμάμαι και δεν σας απαντώ, σημαίνει ότι κάτι συμβαίνει, κατι καπ κάποιο λόγο έχω, τέλος πάντων πείτε μου, πείτε μου… (Read article)

Bad attitude from Controller (148 downloads )




Bad Attitude Προς όλους τους σταθμούς, όσοι κάνετε βόλτες καλό είναι σιγά σιγά να γυρίσετε στα Μέγαρα γιατι έχουν μπλοκαριστεί τα Μέγαρα και θέλουν να διώξουν άλλους. Οσοι μπορείτε να γυρίσετε στα Μέγαρα να εξυπηρετηθούν και οι υπόλοιποι.

Athinai TMA 20230216 1103 (420 downloads )


Flight safety If this was a solo flight this would be an issue for the safety of the flight. The controller requests the pilot to cross LGAV extension at 1500′.

TMA-20210622-1711 (279 downloads )


The following happened at Megara Airport LGMG 08/26. For the records, on this airport, aircraft’s Demonstrated Crosswind Component is considered as WIND RESTRICTION for take off…!!! No this is not a joke. The ATC has a list with all different types of aircraft and their Demonstrated Crosswind Component as depicted on flight manuals!!!

Furthermore the pilot had the conversation captured on the video camera located on the aircraft for procedural and training reasons. He then post it on facebook but was… bullied… to delete the video. This is the text of the radio conversation:

– (pilot) Megara this is D-EOLG
– (twr) DLG
– (pilot) DLG at the apron request start up and taxi instructions.
– (twr) Request denied. You are beyond wind limits. Wind from 10 degrees 7 kts gusting 24 kts
– (pilot) … DLG

Cross Wind Component (533 downloads )


Flight safety This is a new one!!! Never happened again. Tatoi DOES NOT APPROVE the Robinson helicopter to transition its airspace on route to Afidnai heliport due to heavy traffic of 3 airplanes making touch and go’s!!!! Furthermore requests the pilot to go around from where he came!!! Of course the pilot advises he has no fuel for such a deviation (almost 1 hour!!!). You can tell by the voice of the TMA controller who transmits Tatoi’s request that he is also wondering WTF but tries to be professional TMA-20200204-1022 (428 downloads )


Ironic attitude Do not you like our voice to change upon discretion the frequency on your radio box? No comments (!!!)…:  TMA 2019 08 20190801 (295 downloads )


Regulations Violation An AOC helicopter requests to change the flight plan while airborne and the request is denied multiple times:  TMA 2019 06 20190610 1403 (15 downloads )


Unprofessional attitude The controller cannot find the flight plan of a VFR flight and demands the pilot to land. The pilot is so frustrated that forgets the name of the old Athens airport Hellinikon: TMA 2019 06 20190610 1349 (7 downloads )


Regulations violation Pilot’s request to transition at 500′ is denied while 1000′ AGL and below is class G, uncontrolled airspace and of course NOT controlled by Athinai TMA information. TMA 2016 01 20160111 1503 (5 downloads )


Lack of knowledge The controller does not have knowledge of the NOTAM area boundaries and rather than checking requests the pilot to avoid an area that is more that 15NM away of the NOTAM area. When the pilot asks if she is aware of the NOTAM boundaries she returns with attitude saying “…it is forbidden sir. stand by”. After that another controller takes the microphone and grands the pilots request. TMA 2019 03 20190325 1024 (422 downloads )


Flight safety The pilot advises that he experiences strong turbulence and requests to remain at 6000′ for a little longer while abeam Elefsina en route to Megara airport flying VFR. The controller gets angry at the end and with an attitude tells the pilot: “…proceed on your own responsibility then” (!!!) as if there was a time in VFR aviation history when it
wasn’t. TMA 2017 08 20170806 1650 (403 downloads )