We are happy to welcome you aboard GreekHelicopters.gr new site AvINFO (avinfo.greekhelicopters.gr) dedicated to collecting aviation information for helicopters, ultralights and airplanes in Greece. 

Detailed information for heliports, ZZZZ airfields, airports, helicopter landing sites but also weather station data, official and private as well as live cameras will be available for preflight planning. 

AvINFO is a continuously evolving project. Updates and new data will be added in a monthly basis. Since AvINFO is a pilot project created by pilots for pilots we strongly encourage you to send us any material, photos or location data, you thing will be helpful for our database and give us feedback concerning data we have already entered. 
Should you go to a heliport, landing site, airfield or even airport and find something to report please do so in the comment section located under every post.