Prepare to live the experience
24-26 June “5th Kavala AirSea Show 2016″ &
Thassos 1st WW Aviators Golden Anniversary
Macedonia Front – Aegean Sea
Free Entrance
The Municipality of Kavala as head of the Organisational Committee for the aeronautical event announces the “5th Kavala AirSea Show” that is going to take place on 24th, 25th and 26th of June 2016, at the area along the port of the city and beyond.
24 – 26 Ιουνίου “5th Kavala AirSea Show 2016″
Ο Δήμος Καβάλας, ως επικεφαλής της Οργανωτικής Επιτροπής, προγραμματίζει την πέμπτη κατά σειρά διεθνή αεροπορική και ναυτική διοργάνωση «5th Kavala AirSea Show 2016», στις 24,25 και 26 Ιουνίου στην παραλιακή ζώνη του λιμένα της πόλης μας και στην ευρύτερη περιοχή.
Bristol Scout B’ Plane F. Replica “Bremner Grandson Team Rebuilding History Project “Thasos Prinos “1st WW Air Strip” (F)
Honored Formation Flights from HAF + (F)
HAF T- 6A Demo Team “Daedalus” (F)
HAF F16C Demo Team “Zeus” (F)
SHOW June 25 & 26 – 2016. “5th Kavala Air Sea Show”
HAF F16C Demo Team “Zeus” (F)
HAF T- 6A Demo Team “Daedalus” (F)
2 X AH-64DHE Hellenic Army Aviation (F)
Baltic Bees Jet Team 6 X L39 C (F)
Heli Solo Display 1 X EC 120B D. VERVERELIS – VOSTOK “Wizard” (F)
2 Single seat Eurofighter “Richthofen”. German Air Force Static Display (S) LGKV
The static displays in the airport will be open to spotters/press.