Having in mind that the majority of GA pilots in Greece use Air Navigation Pro in flight, I take the opportunity to remind us all that there is a powerful feature in the App, “Publishing Advisory Activity”, designed with flight safety in mind since having the right data is of paramount importance to help maintain our situational awareness.

That information is only a piece of the safety puzzle; communicating with other airspace users is equally important. We all share the same sky, and it is a lot safer when we’re more aware of what everyone is doing. During summertime one can also publish an advisory if smoke or even fire come to his attention while flying over remote locations.

A long tap on your iOS screen, will enable you to publish the activity or observation and immediately notify pilots around the area by showing a blue circle on their ANP moving map with the type of activity icon in the center.

You can select the type of activity you’ll be engaging in; lifting loads with a helicopter, operating a drone, riding the thermals on a glider, paragliding or skydiving, you can make sure that other pilots are as aware of you as you are of them. You can set an operating radius (default 1Nm), the maximum altitude you’ll be flying (in AGL or MSL) (default 1000’ AGL), and the beginning and end times of your activity (default the current hour). At any time you can edit the information or totally delete the Advisory.

Last but not least do not forget to turn on the Traffic Services.